Discrimination, stigma and human rights violations are experienced by many people accessing mental health care, undermining their self determination and human rights. Black, racialized, poor, LGBTQ2, people with disabilities, homeless and Indigenous populations are disproportionately impacted by coercion and mental health human rights violations. Internationally, user-survivor led organizations play a key advocacy role in mental health and some excellent models for recovery-oriented non-coercive community based mental health care exist.
Realizing Human Rights and Social Justice in Mental Health
The aim of this research is to investigate service user experiences of coercive and human rights violating practices and the role of recovery oriented, service-user involved organizations in advancing equity and aligning mental health services with human rights frameworks.
In partnership with user-led organizations in three countries – Canada, Kenya and Australia this this research[i] will:
Synthesize the current evidence base on the use of involuntary detainment/treatment mechanisms and other coercive practices in mental health care to identify barriers and facilitators of equity and human rights (critical realist synthesis review).
Identify the contextual influences on mental health policies, focusing on underlying values and assumptions, which promote or undermine the uptake of equity and human rights as a policy priority (critical discourse analysis of policy).
Document a diverse range of service users’ experiences with involuntary detainment/treatment mechanisms and other coercive practices in three urban centres in Canada, Kenya and Australia (focus groups).
Document and understand the ways in which mental health professionals utilize involuntary detainment/treatment mechanisms (key informant interviews).
Identify recovery-oriented, service user-led and involved organizations that provide community-based mental health care services, supports, resources and advocacy that exemplify equity and respect for human rights (case studies, rapid ethnography).
Develop a framework for equity and human rights enhanced community-based mental health care based on a synthesis of all evidence (synthesis and analysis of data).
Engage in an integrated knowledge exchange strategy that will build student and community-based service user research capacity, and interactively share the results of the research with a range of relevant audiences to ensure uptake.
The resulting equity and human rights informed framework for community-based mental health will be used to inform policies and practices with respect to designing resources and supports that are socially just.
[i] This research is funded by the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC Insight Competition).
Critical Realist Literature Review & Environmental Scan
In partnership with Eviance we have completed a critical realist literature review that explored how equity and human rights are currently operationalized in community-based mental health care. The review is accompanied by an environmental scan.
Critical Literature Review & Annotated Bibliography
We are currently in the process of completing a literature review and annotated bibliography that looks at the use of coercive practices in mental health.
Mental Health Policy Analysis
We have completed an analysis of mental health policy documents in Canada (BC and Ontario), Kenya and in Australia (Victoria). The papers resulting from this analysis are being prepared for a special issue of the journal, Studies in Social Justice
Field Research
We have recently hired community-based researchers and partnered with additional community groups to begin our field research in Canada, Australia and Kenya. Stay tuned…