Field researchers hired
We have recently hired six researchers to support the field research in Canada, Australia and Kenya.
We have recently hired six researchers to support the field research in Canada, Australia and Kenya. Visit our About page of click to check out their bios: David Githaiga, Vivian Kamau, Joyce Mugure (Kenya); Yoonmee Han, Lisa Schlosser, Anita David (Canada) and Paul Armitage (Australia).
Studies in Social Justice Special Issue
From our work on Phase One of the project we are working on a special issue of the journal Studies in Social Justice titled “Mental Health and Human Rights: Social Justice in the Making.”
From our work on Phase One of the project we are working on a special issue of the journal Studies in Social Justice titled “Mental Health and Human Rights: Social Justice in the Making.”
Virtual Workshops
From October 2020 to January 2021, we held four virtual workshops (two for the research team and two that included KUG participation).
From October 2020 to January 2021 we held four virtual workshops (two for the research team and two that included our Knowledge User partners). These included two research workshops: Values, Human Rights, Intersectionality and Critical Discourse Analysis in the Mental Health Policy Context and, How to Conduct a Critical Realist Review, as well as talks by Michael Njenga (USPKenya) and collaborator Macharia Njoroge, and Robert Lattanzio (Executive Director of ARCH Disability Law Centre). These sessions contributed to expanding our understandings of the WHO QualityRights Initiative and the UNCRPD and how they impact our inquiry.